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How a Health Plan Closed Care Gaps and Increased Provider Engagement with Electronic Clinical Quality Validation

Availity Essentials


Digital transformation, provider engagement, quality measures, clinical data, care gaps, HEDIS


Health plans that participate in quality improvement programs and risk-adjustment initiatives, such as HEDIS®, depend on clinical data to ensure timely identification and proactive closure of member care gaps.

Unfortunately, typical clinical data acquisition approaches—fax machines, phone calls, and vendors contracted to “chart chase”—are costly and inefficient. The burdens caused by these analog or outsourced solutions often result in poor rates of provider engagement, failure to improve quality care ratings, and more members vulnerable to critical care gaps.

A large national health plan engaged with Availity to map an automated and entirely digital solution to capture the appropriate clinical data and collaborate with providers to identify and close potential quality care gaps


The health plan needed community providers across the nation to comply with quality measure documentation. The health plan sent hard copy documentation to providers, instructing them to complete the form and return it to the health plan.

Unfortunately, the heavily manual and paper-based processes for completing this task resulted in lackluster provider engagement and left thousands HEDIS® gaps to be closed.

The health plan investigated the viability of an initiative to increase provider engagement by capturing clinical data within providers’ existing workflows and reducing reliance on paper-based and manual processes for capturing the appropriate information.

“The CQV app features “smart” forms that ensure that all provider responses are validated as complete and accurate the first time.”


The health plan engaged with Availity to map an automated and entirely digital solution to capture the appropriate clinical data and collaborate with providers to identify and close potential quality care gaps.

The Clinical Quality Validation (CQV) application within Availity Essentials, the company’s multi-payer provider engagement platform, notifies providers of care gaps and allows providers to submit the appropriate clinical data to close the gaps electronically. Utilizing the CQV app, health plans can:

  • Notify Providers: Rather than relying on sending letters or faxes, health plans can notify providers in their workflow about open care gaps via the Availity Essentials notification center.
  • Reduce Administrative Burdens: Within the CQV app, providers can quickly see all open care gaps within a consistent workflow. Each gap is closed by completing a pre-populated patient form and attaching relevant electronic health records.
  • Improve Data Quality: The CQV app includes contextual information to ensure providers clearly understand what clinical data are required, eliminating the chances that the wrong or incomplete records are sent to the health plan.
  • Capture Medical Records Electronically: After the provider submits the record, Availity sends the health plan the medical documentation and the provider’s completed form, allowing the health plan to complete the process quickly.

Additionally, the CQV app features “smart” forms that ensure that all provider responses are validated as complete and accurate the first time. For example, if a requirement is within the measurement year, a validation prompt will alert the provider if they put in a date from the previous year. Users can also use quality measure-specific exclusions to ensure care gaps are quickly identified. Finally, providers can easily attach medical records to the validation form prior to
submission to the health plan.

The health plan targeted the following quality measures:

Breast Cancer Screening (BCS)

  • High Blood Pressure (CBP)
  • Colorectal Cancer Screening (COL)
  • Care for Older Adults (COA2, COA3, COA4)
  • Hemoglobin A1c Control for Patients with Diabetes (HBD)
  • Kidney Health Evaluation for Patients with Diabetes (KED)
  • Osteoporosis Management in Women who had a Fracture (OMW)
  • Statin Therapy for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease
  • Eye Exam for Patients with Diabetes (EED)

The health plan provided data to Availity that identified members and their potential quality care gaps, as well as a list of attributed provider details. Availity then directed requests and member-specific to attributed providers registered on the Availity Essentials portal. Providers would access and respond to the forms in their work queue and attach the appropriate medical records prior to submission to the health plan through the CQV app. The health plan would receive the attachments, an aggregated output file that references attachments and forms, and an executive summary report.

As a result of this pilot, the health plan was able to:

  • Increase CQV adoption from zero participation to having more than 2000 forms with more than 4000 care gaps submitted through September 2023, some of which had multiple care gap opportunities included within the form
  • Validate more than 1,000 forms where the provider indicated that a care gap had been closed
  • Increase provider engagement by replacing paper-based processes with a consistent, multi-payer digital workflow
  • Enjoy improvements to the quality of clinical data, as well as simplified record retrieval
  • Decreased the no-match rate for providers with TINs from 15 percent to less than 1 percent, as more providers began submitting forms and medical record attachments through the CQV app
  • Increased Clinical Role access from 5 percent to 24 percent in the first six months for the initial test provider population
  • Have since expanded the process to include all practices so that every provider has access to the CQV


The future of healthcare depends on frictionless data exchange and utilization between providers, health plans, and their members.

For health plans, leveraging clinical data is a strategic imperative for staying competitive, driving interoperability initiatives, and succeeding in the new value-based care models aimed at reducing costs and improving member outcomes.