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Get the most from your workflow with Advanced Real-Time Claim Status

Accelerating cash flow and reducing A/R days with real-time 276/277 claim status.


A large Midwest health system representing more than 2,000 physicians, 1,700 hospital beds, and 200 outpatient facilities was looking for ways to streamline their revenue cycle in their Epic EHR system. They wanted to explore using real-time 276/277 claim status inquiries to augment their current claim status process and quickly identify claims that needed attention, before the traditional payer response.

“This process helps prioritize the work in your existing Epic workflow, allowing you to optimize your revenue cycle in Epic screens. This project adds to a lengthy list of clients across the country, both hospitals and physician practices, that leverage Availity for workflow enhancement, automation, and system optimization.”

Linda Perryclear, Director, Product Line


Working with Availity, this health system implemented real-time 276/277 automated updates. This allowed them to send a standard 276 claim status request to the payer at multiple intervals during the claim life cycle. Advanced visibility into claim status without manual intervention enabled the health system to be more proactive and efficient by focusing attention on problem claims earlier. They were able to immediately accelerate cash flow, reduce the time to collect payment and reduce the number of days the claim spent in Accounts Receivable.


  • Increased cash flow by more than $4 million in the first month post-implementation
  • Reduced A/R days by 9
  • Prioritized claims that needed attention and saved hundreds of days of FTE productivity

Learn more about Availity’s Advanced Real-Time Claim Status capabilities.