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Achieving Powerful Post-Service Claims Management

We can do almost anything electronically these days, even a process as complex as securing a mortgage loan on a house. Yet, people can’t visit a doctor or have a surgery without slow, error-prone manual processes and a mountain of paper. It comes at a steep cost. The healthcare industry loses ~$20B annually from manual processes, which doesn’t even account for the cost of paper, equipment, postage, and phone/fax lines.1

Cascading effects of manual claims processes

Consider a typical scenario. A provider submits a claim and then has no idea what happens from there. If there’s no word in a couple of weeks, they follow up. On the payer side, incoming paper documents scanned and indexed are usually not accessible immediately. When the provider checks the status, if the payer representative doesn’t identify the right claim, the provider proceeds to submit the claim again. The provider now has duplicate claims, which causes a denial by the payer, leading to an appeal. It can be a vicious cycle.

In parallel, infrastructure costs continue to increase. In addition to paper, equipment and supplies, postage costs are also increasing. Medical claims require a higher first-class postage rate due to HIPAA requirements. At 10,000 claims a month, that adds up to $72,000 a year just for postage. One more cost for payers and providers is maintaining physical office space for printing and mailing claims.

In reality, no one wants to manage claims by fax and mail. These methods are inefficient and costly. Making the shift to electronic processes can reduce the workload and speed up the payment process for everyone.

Steps to take now to reduce paper processing

Across the industry, some components of payment process, such as eligibility and benefit verification, have higher electronic adoption rates. On the other hand, only 29% of attachments and 31% of prior authorizations are processed electronically.3[AS1]  Given that technology is available, there are immediate steps provider revenue cycle teams can take to reduce manual processing:

  1. Actively maintain payer and plan profiles. It’s important to do a thorough review of all payer and plan profiles on a regular basis. Oftentimes, organizations will discover that a payer or health plan that identifies only accepting paper claims can now accept electronic claims. Or there may have been an error in the original setup. Regularly reviewing and cleaning up the system helps keep pace with payer updates and enables the submission of more claims electronically. With the average cost of submitting a manual claim at $7.191, the savings quickly add up.
  2. Edit claims before submission. Editing is one of the most critical components of claims processing. Providers should use flexible, HIPAA-compliant editing tools to complete eligibility and network checks, ensure accurate data entry, and address custom requirements for special circumstances. By focusing on claim edits up front, providers submit cleaner claims, requiring less manual intervention downstream.
  3. Submit attachments up front. The need for additional information is one of the largest causes of payment delays and denials. Unfortunately, nearly 80% of medical attachments are still sent manually via fax or mail. Instead, why not use existing technology to identify and submit unsolicited attachments up front? This can be done via secure file transfer from within the EHR workflow, which marries the claim and documentation together to send as a complete package. The cost savings are significant – each electronically submitted attachment saves $3.10 over sending a paper copy.2 Notably, one health system reduced attachment-related denials by 88% and saved 1,200 hours of rework in just three months.
  4. More electronic processing means more visibility. Finally, an important outcome of shifting to electronic processing is the increase in visibility. It’s critical for providers and payers to understand the status of a claim: When was it received by the payer? Is more information needed? What is the payment status? Manual claim status inquiries, typically done by phone, cost a whopping $12.12 per inquiry more than checking electronically. In fact, eliminating manual inquiries could save a provider 22 minutes per inquiry. Industry-wide, removing manual inquiries could reduce waste by $3.1B annually.3

Make Paper Fly Away for Cleaner Claims Processing

It’s time for the healthcare industry to let go of paper and fax machines – every other industry is far ahead. Certainly there will always be some level of paper-based processing, the proportion can be cut dramatically with collaboration among industry stakeholders and higher adoption of existing technology. As a result, healthcare providers that made the shift realized a 75% reduction in staff time and saw an 80% reduction in in-house paper claim volume. It’s time to move forward with electronic claims processing that results in faster payment for providers and faster resolution for patients.

Key Takeaways

  • High Cost of Manual Processes: Do away with manually-driven claims management to reduce the cost of paper, equipment, postage, and inefficient communication methods.
  • Inefficiencies and Duplication in Manual Claims: A common cycle of inefficiency leads to exacerbating costs and operational inefficiencies for both providers and health plans.
  • Benefits of Electronic Claims Processing: Shift toward electronic claims processing for better efficiency, claim accuracy, and payment processes

About the Author

Linda Perryclear is the Senior Director of Product Management at Availity. She is responsible for the Essentials Pro solution and post-submission claims management. Since joining Availity in 2004, Linda has held various positions in the organization including director of the provider support organization, as well as roles in client experience and account management. Throughout her career, Linda has worked in healthcare in both administrative and clinical roles, and also served in the US Navy for six years as a hospital corpsman. She holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and risk management from UNC Charlotte and works from her home base in North Carolina. 

Linda Perryclear

Senior Director of Product Management at Availity


1 CAQH. The 2023 CAQH Index Report. Available at:

2 CAQH. The 2023 CAQH Index Report. Available at:

3 CAQH. The 2023 CAQH Index Report. Available at: